Friday, April 30, 2010

The Kite Runner...#1

In the first few chapters of the book the author, Khaled Hosseini, talks a bit about his childhood. For example where he grew up and whit it was like. Things he use to do with his friends like climb trees, and act like every day American kids. The most important chapter in the beginning Hassan mother left im and his father a week after he was born. The author lost his mom while she was in child birth, she hemorrhaged to death. "Lost her to a fate most Afghans consider far worse than death: She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers."

Personal Collection of Poems...

I feel the burden now
The weight upon my chest
Only a few more minuets
And we shall be at rest
The cars fly by
Up the steeping hill
The more they move and move
But never are they still
The alarm rings
The sirens sound
The trucks pull out
And move through town
Lying in a trench
The battle cry is heard
Must be very quiet now
Not another word

Monday, April 26, 2010

Describing a Baseball...

O - Baseball
S - The baseball is like a smooth rock that is thrown across the field
P - The baseball resembled a bullet leaving a gun as it was thrown from the pitcher
M - The baseball was like a bird flying threw the air