Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Kite Runner...#5

On page 75 Hassan is raped by Assef. Apparently Haasan had disrespected Assef by throwing a rock at him on page 73. Assef was angry and when he was hit he yelped and threw himself at Hassan, knocking him to the ground. He was then pinned down and by Wali and Kamal. They were in an open field that was litered with scrap parts of bikes and newspapers and junk. Wali new what was going to happen on page 75 because he said that he was worried about his father finding out. Assef said that there is nothing wrong with teaching a lesson to a "disrespectful donkey." As Wali and Kamal held Hassan down Assef proceeded to pull off his pants and Hassans pants. Assef wanted to flaunt his power and asked his Kamal would join in, Kamal looked away. Assef asserted himself behind Hassan. "He positioned himself behind Hassan." Pg 75. These few pages are important because it shows the power struggle and the fine line behind respect and power. How Assef thought he was disrespected and how he showed his power by making Hassan weaker than him.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mein Herz Brennt

Under the pillow they creep
Under your bed they sleep
With the voice from the closet
With the noise from the room
I have the sole power to kill
Those whom disobey the laws
From the lines I stand still
For the sharks jaws
Are like the rules set in place
Burning my heart
Ripped from my chest

My Poem

So cold is the night
So cold is the dawn
From the shadows a fright
From the allies I warn
The man who walks through glass
The man who who fights his soul
The man who is born from ash
The man who sleeps in a hole
Walking through life with his head down
Wearing darkened tattered cloths
Wearing on his shoulders the weight of the town
Around him fly the moths
Around him they don't make a sound

Monday, May 17, 2010

War Torn... My Narrative Essay

“Get to cover.” John said. Bombs were falling like snow in a blizzard. “This is bullshit man.” Said Jonas. “What’s the point?” He said again. The battle had been going on for days on the left flank of East Ridge. Easy company had been slowly pushing the enemy back towards the riverfront, but was in need of supplies. The east lines were falling back, so it was up to the 352nd Infantry to push, and flank them.
The main attack was composed of Easy Co, Baker and Bravo Co. Easy company was suppose to take the left flank and advance up the mountain side by day break. Baker and Bravo were supposed to move straight down the throat of WERG, Western Europe Revolutionary Group. The only problem was is that it had been three days and the ridge hadn’t been taken. Bravo was wiped out and the lines were split in two. Baker Company to the right, and Easy Company to the left. Easy company was pinned down in small village know only by its code name, fox den. The company had originally fifty-five men and were now down to twenty-six, with only enough supplies to last one more day. Radio intelligence had warned of a rebel group moving in from the west, and that Baker Co had pulled back about 3 kilometers.
“Well that just freaking perfect, I mean what the hell are we suppose to do now huh?” Said Tex. “I don’t know man but it sure isn't good." “Max out all ammo and set perimeters around the town.” Said Sgt Riggs. The town was about a quarter square mile with about fifteen or so houses. In the center of town was a church with a large hole in the roof from a mortar fell through. On the north side of town was an open field about the size of an acre. In the distance at night you could gun shots and see and occasional flash in the background of where a bomb exploded. You could here screams and see the look of fear on every-mans face. There were only about six villagers left. No one knew it, but hell was about to break lose. An announcement came over the radio stating, “air support is down, and main air field 2334 is down, over.” At the point every guy in the outfit was scared shitless. Capt Fredrick’s pulled out his map and started to plot a defensive move. He positioned all the men on the west side of the town, and placed two snipers, Bear and Owl in the church tower.
Bear’s real name was Marvin Douglas Christopher. He was from Maine and was an excellent shot. He was the nicest guy you would have ever met. He grew up near Plymouth, and was raised hunting everything from bear, to dear, to rabbit and moose. He joined the army as infantry but soon got placed into sniper school. Rumor had it he shot a bee from one hundred yards on a windy day. He was about six foot six, weighed about two fifty and was fast as all hell. In basic training he ran the mile in about three minuets and forty seconds.
Owl on the other hand was quiet and shy. Kept to himself a lot and no one every really knew where he came from. He seemed like a nice guy but like I said he was quiet you know. All you to do was put a gun in hands and no matter the make, model, or type he could any thing. He was about five foot twelve and kind of small in size.
Lucas, our company asshole had just taken off to the can. No sooner had he, when a mortar came howling through the air. Bam, about twenty yards away it exploded. He ran out yelling “What the Fu-“ when another and then another interrupted him. With in minuets about seven mortars fell on the men. “Get to cover, Get to cover.” Henry yelled. By then about seventy-five WERG members came running in full sprint at them. Josh opened up his fifty cal on them and the bullets flew. The shots ripped through their bodies and by fives and tens they fell. “Chris get on the radio and call in artillery, danger close, N 34 56 and W 39 14 over.” Copy that sir. The noise was so intense. More and more rebels came out of the tree line. “Fall back to rally point, fall back to –“ Sgt Hanson was shot. “Pull the hell back.” Lucas said. What was left of the company ran back to the other side of town. By then the artillery had started. About sixty or so rounds smashed into the town and wiped it out with in a matter of minuets. “We don’t got no ammo, we don’t got any tanks, we don’t got no goddamn toilet paper and no freaking air support.” By then every one stopped talking and looked around to see where Bear and Owl were. No one had seen them since the assault. Both men died that day under friendly fire. For the men of Easy Company it was a hard blow. As all ways the men of easy company ran back to take the positions before another attack. In the distance they heard a loud noise. When about thirteen choppers came hovering over. Three of them opened up their machine guns on the remain rebel members. One helicopter landed and the nine-teen men entered. The men wer groggy and week. Lucas looked out the foggy window and noticed that about another twenty choppers had landed and hundreds of men were off loading. Their hell was over, but was it. Out of no where an RPG slammed into the side of their chopper. The explosion was massive and only ten survived. Most of the men escaped, but a lot burned to death. After the explosion two B-52's flew over head and Sgt. Kelly was watching them until he lost them in the clouds. The Lt. of the company said "cover your ears." Then about thousand explosions went of about a half mile away from them. The ground shook and fire raged in the distance for days. On the third day the companies of the 352nd joined forces with 67th sniper squad. They were on a recon mission to eliminate any remaining rebels in the area by calling in air strikes. When they reached the town where the bombing run had taken place, there was nothing left. four square miles were on fire and leveled. In the distance to the west of the town they saw a tank group forming in fast ranks. Meaning they wer hauling ass. So PFC Jonas called in another air strike but the radio was dead. Mike who was part of the 67th, fire at the laed gunner and shot him the head. Quickly a barrage of rounds came flying at them. The company code named Silent Death was now on the run in a full retreat.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Poem

Goodbye, day light
I've been to hell and back
Redeem, all my sins
For the collector
But I don't need you
Or any person near me
My self destruction
Will end the sea
The fear and repercussions
The ending of your dreams

My Poem

Reflections as I realize
The dull lights don't lead the way
From the God I've idealized
And the words I can' say
But I, I feel
The reaper
But I, I see true love
Just the stars and me
I, I bleed
My Demons, My Inside feelings
The light
The Beings
But it's just the stars and me

The Kite Runner...#4

Later in chapter 5 we learn that they weren't shooting "ducks" after all. On the night of July 17, 1973 Kabul awoke to learn that the monarchy was no more. Their king, Zahir Shah, was on a trip in Italy, his cousin, Daoud Khan had ended the 40 year bloodless coup. On radio Kabul the station keeps mentioning a republic under breaking news. "Whats a republic, I shrugged, I don't know." pg 37. This very much exemplifies how the people of Afghanistan were innocent at mind. Really no one had ever heard bombs going off, or guns firring. So for these people to be woken up in the middle of the night because of gun fire must have been frightening.

The Kite Runner...#3

At the of Chapter 4 a battle is going on page 32, Khaled states "Well, I began. But I never got to finish that sentence. Because suddenly Afghanistan changed forever." Pg 34. Leading into chapter 5 on pages 35-36 Khaled talks about gun fire and explosions going off in the distance. Hot the flashes of bombs going off lit up the sky like lightning, and how they made the ground tremble. Off in the distance they could here the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. Hassan was scared and Ali took hold of them and tried to comfort them even though he was scared himself. He said "There hunting ducks..." pg 35. The explosions and gunshot lasted only about an hour. The gunshots in the streets had frightened the kids very much. They were foreign sounds to them. "The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born." pg 36.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Kite Runner...#2

In the book the Kite Runner, primarily on in chapter 3, on pages 20-21, Baba took the author, Khaled Hosseini, to a Buzkashi tournament. This tournament takes place on the first day of spring, new years day. Buzkashi was and still is Afganistans national passion. This spot involves a chapandaz, or rather a highly trained and skilled horse man whom is sough t after by rich men called africonados. The purpose of port is for the chapandaz to grab an animal carcass from the bowls of a melee, and drop in a circle for a goal, while a seperate team of other chapandaz chase him down. Both teams travel in full gallop around the stadium seeking out each other. They must do everything in their power to grab the carcass, even kick, claw and punch their way to victory. "The earth trembled with the clatter of hooves. We watched from the upper bleachers as riders pounded past us at full gallop..." page 21. Later on the page 21 Khaled, the author, turns away for only a moment but when he looks back to the playing field a rider falls. "I watched with horror as one of the chapandaz's fell off his saddle and was trampled under a score of hooves." page 21. His body was thrown into the air and he laid motionless on the ground like a "rag doll." He was crushed, and only twiched once, as his leges were in un-natural ways. "I began to cry. I cried all the way back home." page 21.