Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ballad Poem...

forced out of my home land by the soviet army
i flea my country to the united states to seek a new life
from the shadows comes a friend and offers amends
after twenty six years, i can finally avenge my past
the man knows me well and is shape like a knife
back to Afghanistan i must go, i must cast

back to my home city of Kabul
i meet with Hassans son Shorab and amend my sympathy
i seek the truth inside, by in the dark i hide
the monster assef is in my midst
Sohrab with one swing, now he is dead

i see the past and how it has affect my actions
i see now the poor Hassan with the look of the lamb
the look of nothing in his eyes after being degraded
after being humiliated in front of me
oh what twenty six years can do the mind
play its evil tricks that i see

i rescued his son, sohrab is safe
the thoughts of the past in which his mind race
thoughts death and hate pushed into his face
acceptance and love he feels he will never see
he cuts him self to watch himself bleed

the hospital i race with sohrab in my arms
i pray to god he is alive
i fall asleep in the chair and dream of nothing but death
i am awoken by the doctor who says he is fine
oh thank the gods he is alright

back to my home, back to my life
the reflections of the pat are as shape as a knife
the love to hate and the hate you love
will all leave us some day like a flying dove

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