Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Project...Song Lyrics relating to The Kite Runner...

I choose the song "What Have We Done" by The Veer Union. Only because of how the verses remind me of the rape scene in the Kiter Runner, and how Amir ran away. This song is a prime example of redemption, which is one of the main themes of the novel. The more powerful example of Amir’s search for redemption comes from his guilt regarding Hassan. That guilt that drives onwards to the climactic events of the novel, including Amir’s journey to Kabul to find Sohrab. The moral standard that Amir must meet to earn his redemption is set early in the book, when Baba says that "a boy who doesn’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything." As a boy, Amir fails to stand up for himself, like most scared individuals. As an adult, he can only redeem himself by proving he has the courage to stand up for what is right.

"Why do we hurt each other?
We all bleed the same color
Can't we help we one another?
Open up our narrow minds
(Open up our narrow minds)"

This is great excerpt from the song which can relate to the novel strongly. The first verse. "Why do we hurt each other? Why did Assef hurt Hassan by raping him? Why did Sohrab cut his wrist? Why did Amir hurt himself by carrying his guilt with him for years? The answer lies with in the power struggle between the more powerful and the most vulnerable.
The second verse, "we all bleed the same color." Assef raped Hassan because he disrespected him, Amir beat him self up because of his guilt for not helping Hassan. If everyone is the same, and every ones bleeds the same, than why do these characters show signs of fear, rejection, hate, and abandonment towards each other.
The last two versus, Can't we help we one another? Open up our narrow minds. These are also great quotes because why didn't Amir help Hassan, why can't Sohrab feel like his parent will accept him? The answer is shame, which plagues us all, which haunts our dreams and follows us every where. Amir was ashamed and scared to step up and Sohrab feels ashamed of the sexual torment he went through.

"Snow falls in September
April feels like December
Has hope left here forever?
Open up our narrow minds

Why do we hurt each other?
We all bleed the same color
Can't we help we one another?
Open up our narrow minds
(Open up our narrow minds)

What have we done(what have we done?)
Why do we watch the world that we have wasted?
how long until we've all erased it?
what have we done? (what have we done?)
Can't you see...start the picking up the pieces
Before the ground just falls beneath us
Open up our narrow minds

We've hoped for someone to trust and
in the end we pay the price for that
we all need to be unbroken
open up our narrow minds

SMOKE fills the air we're breathing
We'll choke until the end is nearing
don't we know it isn't clearing
Open up our narrow minds
(Open up our narrow minds)


Why are we confused?
the Warnings are true
this world is used
and we all need to
Open up our narrow minds

what have we done(what have we done)
why do we(4x)


What have we done(what have we done)
(We've hoped for someone to trust and)
in the end we pay the price for that
what have we done(what have we done)
we all need to be unbroken
open up our narrow minds

what have we done(what have we done)
SMOKE fills the air we're breathing
We'll choke until the end is nearing
what have we done(what have we done)
don't we know it isn't clearing
Open up our narrow minds

open up our narrow minds(3x)"


  1. That was such a great post. Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you for that... it helped a lot... you are a life saver
