Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Kite Runner #7

The author dose a great job at explaining the context behind the story thus far. In that, how he feels broken but proud. Amir, who was beaten badly by Assef, feels as though he deserved the beating because of how he ran from the raping of his best friend. “My body was broken—just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later—but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed.” pg.289. This happens during Amir’s discussion with Assef as he tries to find Sohrab in Chapter 22. Assef beats Amir with brass knuckles, breaking Amir’s ribs, splitting his lip and busting his jaw badly. He also breaks the bone beneath his left eye, but because Amir feels he deserves this, he feels satisfaction. He thinks he should have accepted the beating from Assef years ago, when he was given the choice of saving Hassan—and likely getting physically hurt—or letting Assef rape Hassan. Since that time, Amir has struggled with his guilt, and has torn himself up inside. He feels that since he was never punished for his transgression. Ever since Amir has been looking for some type of justice, so that way he can accept what he did. Amir’s guilt lasted until his fight with Assef, which despite the physical pain, made him feel psychologically healed. Thus, while Assef beat him, he began to laugh.

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