Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Kite Runner #8

Amir and Sohrab arrive in Islamabad. They talk a little about their parents, and Sohrab asks if God will send him to hell for what he did to Assef. Amir says Assef deserved more than he got, and Hassan would have been proud of Sohrab for saving Amir’s life. Sohrab says he is very glad his parents cannot see him. The sexual abuse he suffered makes him feel unclean and sinful. "But that's what I'm saying to you... That there are bad people in this world, and sometimes bad people stay bad, sometimes you have to stand up to them." The next day, Amir goes to the American embassy to try and adopt Sohrab, the man there tells Amir the adoption will be almost impossible. Without death certificates, there is no way to prove Sohrab is an orphan.
Sohrab is rushed to the emergency room. In the hospital waiting area, Amir uses a sheet as a prayer rug and prays for the first time in more than fifteen years. Eventually he falls asleep and dreams of Sohrab in the bloody water and the razor blade he used to cut himself. Amir and Sohrab arrive in San Francisco in August 2001. General Taheri and Jamila come over for dinner, and while Soraya and Jamila set the table, Amir tells General Taheri about the Taliban and Kabul. General Taheri goes around Sohrab at first but finally asks why Amir brought back a Hazara boy.

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